If You Are Here, you have decided to take your discussions concerning the plans for your marriage to the next level and memorialize them into an agreement!

If you have not already taken the Marry Me Smart Premarital Planning course, which is phase 1 of the Marry Me Smart Method, Click here to learn more. 

If you have already completed the Marry Me Smart Course, you are ready for Phase 2 which is building your marital operating agreement. 

This means you have discussed and disclosed finances, feelings towards children and family values, and shared your expectations for the futures. 

Your are ready to put that in writing and outline the daily operations if your marriage. 

That is amazing!

Prioritize your Marriage now....before you say "I Do."

 I have heard all of the above, and often these are comments that come up during my consultations with people for their divorce. 

My clients say things like: "We got married young so we didn't have anything to protect in a prenup."  

"We talked about money, but he handled all the investments so I don’t know where all the money went."  

"We agreed on goals when we got married but her goals changed and that wasn't the life I wanted."  

Generally people do not get married while also picturing themselves getting a divorce.  

Trust me I get it. Prenups have been given a bad reputation for being a tool of the wealthy or a means to keep your partner from getting a piece of some family money or business. 

"They are so not romantic."  

But this is all wrong. Premarital planning and prenups are operating agreements for your marriage. And yes, part of it decides what happens in the event of divorce. 

Planning for a divorce is a way of reverse engineering your marriage to prepare for all the pitfalls and changes a marriage can encounter.  

Marriage is one of the most legally significant things you can do…..next to dying. Yet, people just wanna wing it. But I got you!

If you're finding yourself say....

  • "We trust each other and would never do anything in divorce to hurt the other"

  • "We talk about money. We know how much each person makes. So I don't feel like we need to do more than that."

  • "We are on the same page about everything."

  • "We do not really have any assets so we do not need a prenup."

" I'm not sure I even need a prenup?"

I get this question a lot. 

My answer is, until you understand how you and your partner want to operate on a daily basis, you wont really know. 

The common reasons couples divorce being lack of commitment, infidelity, conflict, being too young when married, and financial problems. However, if you look at the root of most of the issues, in my experience, it comes down to communication issues and unmet expectations of the marriage. 

Outlining your expectations and confirming agreements and commitments you two have already shared verbally into an operating agreement, allows you to reduce a lot of conflict that comes with miscommunication. 

Once you have taken the time to go through the Marital Operating Agreement template and training, you will have a better understanding as to whether you two should consider phase 3 of the Marry Me Smart Method: Consulting with experts and lawyers. 

They will then help you decide if a legal premarital agreement is right for you. 

The lawyer in me wants to tell you, yes. Yes you do need a premarital agreement. Everyone should have one with a divorce rate of over 50%. 

Program Overview

Template and Course Video

This Course is meant to supplement the Marry Me Smart Course. But it can also be a stand-alone course for couples that feel like they are ready to put some things in writing. 

This course is 1 48 minute video training with a customizable template for building your operating agreement included. 

Topics Covered by your Marital Operating Agreement

✓  Premarital Assets and Assets Acquired During Marriage

✓  Income During the Marriage

 Bank Accounts 

✓  Monthly Expenses and Spending 

✓  Children and Parenting Dynamics 

✓  Partnership Meetings and Planning

✓ Estate Planning For your Marriage

Marriages are Legally Binding Relationships. It is the only Legally Binding Relationship that Generally Doesn't have a standard Operating Agreement Required. 

Partnerships and Business fail more than 50% of the time. The agreements Help Protect the parties and helps to preserve the Relationship Outside of the partnership. 

Marriage fail more than 50% of the time. Agreements Can Not only help protect the parties (especially if you have a legal prenup), but the commitments made help to strengthen the marriage and deal with the common issues that lead to divorce in advance, guiding you to a longer happier marriage. 

I've got you covered!

  1 Simple 48 minute video that can be paused when needed or watched again. The video guides you through the Marital Operating Agreement Template and provides further insights into the benefits of this agreement, types of provisions to include, and most importantly, legal considerations to explore. 

   Lifetime access to materials and updates. 
  Fully Customizable Word Template. (Can be send in a different format by request). 

What is it worth to you to have ONE document outlining the commitments and plans you two have made for your marriage?

One-Time Payment


Hey Hey Friends! I am Chelsea Pagan, a Family Law Attorney and Mediator with a passion for helping people get smart about marriage. I have watched so many people go through one of the most difficult experiences in their lives. I've watched good people turn angry and revengeful. I've watched people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars litigating things they could have avoided. I've seen childhoods taken away because the kids are trapped between two people who love them, but can't seem to find a path out of the messy. 

 I believe that most marriages end in divorce not because of one particular issue, but a failure to manage expectations we have of our partners and either a failure or unwillingness to communicate consistently. I know how to help you Marry Smarter. 

I have been married for almost 10 years. We have an amazing almost 2 year old daughter and each year we choose to find new ways to grow together because we refuse to grow apart.

Here's How it Works: 

Scroll Down to the bottom of this page and enter your information to sign up. 

Within 15 minutes you will get an email from me with instructions to login. 

The Course will be available immediately to start your premarital planning journey. 

When you are ready...log in, get comfy, and prepare to create a deeper connection with your partner by telling them you are going to "Marry Me Smart!"

  • Total payment
  • 1xSmart Smart Marital Operating Agreement Course$97
  • Marry Me Smart Premarital Planning Course$297

All prices in USD

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Thank you for choosing Marry Me Smart! These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) govern your access and use of the Marry Me Smart online premarital planning course (“Course”). Please read these Terms carefully before enrolling in the Course. By enrolling, you agree to be bound by these Terms.

1. Course Description:

The Course is an online premarital planning program consisting of video lessons and downloadable workbooks. It covers various topics related to marriage preparation, including communication, finances, conflict resolution, intimacy, and expectations.

2. Access and License:

Access: You are granted a single-user, non-transferable, non-exclusive license to access and use the Course materials for your personal, non-commercial use. You may not share your access with anyone else.
Lifetime Access: You will have lifetime access to the Course materials included in your purchase. This does include future upgrades or additions to the Course.
Downloads: You may download the Course materials (workbooks) for your personal use, but you may not modify, distribute, or share them without prior written permission from Marry Me Smart.
3. Payment and Refunds:

Payment Options: You have two payment options: a one-time lump sum payment or two monthly installments with a premium.
No Refunds: Due to the immediate availability of downloadable workbooks with essential guidance and insights, all sales are final and non-refundable.
4. Intellectual Property:

Ownership: Chelsea A. Pagan Media, LLC DBA Marry Me Smart owns all intellectual property rights to the Course materials, including videos and workbooks.
Restrictions: You may not copy, modify, translate, disassemble, reverse engineer, decompile, or create derivative works of the Course materials. You may not sell, lease, loan, distribute, or otherwise exploit the Course materials for commercial purposes.
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You agree not to share, disseminate, or record any of the Course materials or videos.
You agree to respect the intellectual property rights of Marry Me Smart and its licensors.
Marry Me Smart reserves the right to terminate your access to the Course at any time for any reason, including, but not limited to, violations of these Terms.
6. Disclaimer:

The information provided in the Course is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. You should consult with a qualified professional for any specific advice or guidance you may need.
Marry Me Smart makes no warranties or representations about the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information provided in the Course. We disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.
Marry Me Smart is not responsible for any damages you may suffer as a result of your use of the Course.
7. Governing Law:

These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflict of laws provisions.

8. Entire Agreement:

These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and Marry Me Smart with respect to the Course and supersede all prior or contemporaneous communications, representations, or agreements, whether oral or written.

9. Contact Us:

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us at Chelsea@chelseapagan.com
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Don't miss this amazing offer!

Special one-time offer, only $297 ($100 off today!)
If You Have Not Already Completed The Marry Me Smart Premarital Planning Course, you can get it now for $100 off. The Marry Me Smart Course is Phase 1 of the Marry Me Smart Method and will help you and your partner discuss and disclose information before turning it into a marital operating agreement. If you are not sure which path is right for you, you can book a free informational call by clicking here and I will personally walk you through the process. 

If you are ready to simply get your operating agreement going, uncheck the box and enjoy your Smart Start Marital Operating Agreement Course. 

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